The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy radio series written by Douglas Adams, and originally broadcast in the United Kingdom by BBC Radio 4 in 1978. The first four episodes of this series were later adapted by Adams into his best-selling novel of the same title. The plot follows the adventures of hapless Englishman Arthur Dent and his friend Ford Prefect, an alien who writes for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a pan-galactic encyclopedia and travel guide.
Director Jerry McMahon and Technical Producer Daniel Tang are honoring every zany detail of the original radio script in The Cannon Theatre’s radio show production of the first four episodes this March.
What’s more, this audio show will be illustrated by an exhibit of original art by various talented artists from the local area and beyond. These original pieces of art will be auctioned on The Cannon Theatre’s facebook page after the show concludes. Bidders will have the opportunity to own this one-of-a-kind art and to support both the individual artists and the theater.
There will be an opening night watch party Friday March 5, at 7:30 PM EST. The show can then be accessed by ticket holders at any time from March 5 to March 14.
Victoria Bourque (of Littleton, MA) as: Lady Cynthia Fitzmelton, Trillian
Matt Cederholm (of Manassas, VA) as: Arthur Dent
Matt Foster (of Westford, MA) as: Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz, Magrathean warning voice, Bang Bang
Russ Gannon (of Hudson, MA) as: The Narrator/Voice of the Book
Meredith Jones (of Bolton, MA) as: Eddie the Computer, Radio Host, Programmer Two
Steve Kalter (of Groton, MA) as: Marvin the Paranoid Android, Shooty
Tony LaRocca (of Queens, NY) as: Deep Thought
Michael McAfee (of Millis, MA) as: The Barman, Slartibartfast
Ben Morse (of Natick, MA) as: Ford Prefect, Vroomfondel
Sally Reid (of Concord, MA) as: Vogon Guard, The Whale, Majikthise, Benjy Mouse
Nancy Rodriguez (of Sudbury, MA) as: The Cheerleader, Frankie Mouse
Jeff Schachter (of Littleton, MA) as: Prosser, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Programmer One
Scott Boilard (of Worcester, MA)
Eric Boireau (of Cambridge, MA)
Shawn Cannon (of Fitchburg, MA)
Jamie Cook (of Kingston, NH)
Glenn Donatiello (of Dunellen, NJ)
Kyle Hutton (of Arcadia, CA)
Steve Kalter (of Groton, MA
Joe Kandra (of Westford, MA)
Caroline Kurman (of Waltham, MA)
Tony LaRocca (of Queen’s, NY)
Paul Maher (of Stow, MA)
Elena Nazzaro (of Westfield, NJ)
K. Pease (of Shoreline, WA)
Siena Ruark (of Harvard, MA)
Carl Sycamore (Mississauga, ON)
Giao Williams (of Westfield, NJ)
Director Jerry McMahon and Technical Producer Daniel Tang are honoring every zany detail of the original radio script in The Cannon Theatre’s radio show production of the first four episodes this March.
What’s more, this audio show will be illustrated by an exhibit of original art by various talented artists from the local area and beyond. These original pieces of art will be auctioned on The Cannon Theatre’s facebook page after the show concludes. Bidders will have the opportunity to own this one-of-a-kind art and to support both the individual artists and the theater.
There will be an opening night watch party Friday March 5, at 7:30 PM EST. The show can then be accessed by ticket holders at any time from March 5 to March 14.
Victoria Bourque (of Littleton, MA) as: Lady Cynthia Fitzmelton, Trillian
Matt Cederholm (of Manassas, VA) as: Arthur Dent
Matt Foster (of Westford, MA) as: Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz, Magrathean warning voice, Bang Bang
Russ Gannon (of Hudson, MA) as: The Narrator/Voice of the Book
Meredith Jones (of Bolton, MA) as: Eddie the Computer, Radio Host, Programmer Two
Steve Kalter (of Groton, MA) as: Marvin the Paranoid Android, Shooty
Tony LaRocca (of Queens, NY) as: Deep Thought
Michael McAfee (of Millis, MA) as: The Barman, Slartibartfast
Ben Morse (of Natick, MA) as: Ford Prefect, Vroomfondel
Sally Reid (of Concord, MA) as: Vogon Guard, The Whale, Majikthise, Benjy Mouse
Nancy Rodriguez (of Sudbury, MA) as: The Cheerleader, Frankie Mouse
Jeff Schachter (of Littleton, MA) as: Prosser, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Programmer One
Scott Boilard (of Worcester, MA)
Eric Boireau (of Cambridge, MA)
Shawn Cannon (of Fitchburg, MA)
Jamie Cook (of Kingston, NH)
Glenn Donatiello (of Dunellen, NJ)
Kyle Hutton (of Arcadia, CA)
Steve Kalter (of Groton, MA
Joe Kandra (of Westford, MA)
Caroline Kurman (of Waltham, MA)
Tony LaRocca (of Queen’s, NY)
Paul Maher (of Stow, MA)
Elena Nazzaro (of Westfield, NJ)
K. Pease (of Shoreline, WA)
Siena Ruark (of Harvard, MA)
Carl Sycamore (Mississauga, ON)
Giao Williams (of Westfield, NJ)